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Showing posts from March, 2021

How to increase your memory with these simple tips

  What kind of memory power you will have depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you are a student and studying for exams, whether you are a professional or a businessman who needs improvement in the field of memory to perform his tasks or jobs more efficiently, or whether you are an elderly person who wants to keep his memory at bay despite aging, there are many things you can do for yourself to improve your memory. Although many claims that we cannot teach the "old dog" new tricks, this is not the case with our brains. The human brain has an extraordinary ability to change and adapt, regardless of age. This feature of our brain is called NEUROPLASTICITY . With the right stimulation, our brain can change existing connections and adapt to the change imposed on it, and thus improve its cognitive abilities, and the ability to absorb new information very easily. # 1 TIP: DO NOT SKIP DREAM AND TRAINING Just as athletes rely on healthy diets and sleep to achieve...

How to decalcify the pineal gland - a natural way to open your Third Eye

  Due to the increasing degradation of spiritual purity in people and the increasing focus on materialism, our third eye has become inactive. The third eye or pineal gland is atrophied and calcified in most people, and in this post, we will cover the topic of how to cleanse our third eye and how to restore that unlimited spiritual power we possess! WHAT IS THE THIRD EYE? Many philosophers, sages, and spiritual teachers have associated the pineal gland with the third eye, whose perception is not obscured or limited by physical feelings. Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, emphasized in his books the importance of the pineal gland, calling it the "center of the soul" or part of the body where our soul resides. The third eye is directly connected to the sixth chakra and the pineal gland. Some scientists have found that the pineal gland is created in the fetus 49 days after conception. Tibetan Buddhists said in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" that it takes just as long...

10 key qualities that every leader should have

  Leadership is a skill that, like all other business skills, is learned and improved. In addition to being used in business circumstances, leadership is also used in social, family, political, sports, and other circumstances. In the following, we will list ten traits that are crucial for each leader. 1. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION - We as leaders, or managers in a business environment, need to know how to communicate well with our clients, employees, associates, and others. Why is that so? When we put together an idea in our head about how this job should be done, what it should look like, what it should contain, and so on, we need to know how to properly convey it to our associates and clients so that they would not be misunderstood completely. Communication is a skill that is learned and all good leaders must possess good communication skills to succeed on their path. I suggest the book "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie, a great book that will teach y...

Ego - your best friend or biggest enemy?

  Do you often compare yourself with others? Do you often underestimate others? Do you often praise others while belittling yourself? The only person you need to compare yourself to is with yourself from yesterday. EGO in Latin means "I". The ego represents your identity, what you think you are. The ego is a filter through which we observe ourselves, our environment, and the people around us. The ego is a set of experiences from the past, and its function is to help us survive. If it is in a healthy measure, it has a positive function, and that is to correct our mistakes, to behave appropriately to the circumstances, and more. When our ego is hurt, we become more aware of our environment, we become hypersensitive, nervous, and frustrated. We become self-critical, pessimistic, frustrated, dissatisfied with ourselves, unfulfilled, etc. Every person has an ego and it is impossible to "kill" it, but it is very important to ask yourself whether you control the ego, or th...

Techniques to help you learn faster and easier

  Do you use mental maps when studying? Do you listen to music while studying? Do you write notes? Do you use the association technique? Which of these techniques do you use when learning? You must have once wondered if some techniques and methods can help you learn your material easier and faster. Experts in this field have been trying for a long time to answer this question by devising various learning techniques that will help us in learning. Each individual has their learning system that they use and that suits them best. But most have not yet discovered a method or technique that will help them learn their material faster and easier. Experts have conducted a series of tests and research in which they talk about how to organize learning and what to do to learn the desired content faster and better. If you are among those who have not yet discovered this, try the following techniques, they may be able to help you. DISTRIBUTION OF LEARNING What all experts agree on is that we lea...

How to permanently solve the problem of insomnia

Quality sleep is key in how we feel, mentally and physically, so it is very important whether we sleep well and enough. Everyone has experiences with those nights when they can't fall asleep easily or don't sleep very well. Normally, you need 10-20 minutes to fall asleep and some smaller variations about that time do not represent an indication of a problem. However, if a person regularly struggles to fall asleep, they may have a sleep disorder or Insomnia. Here are some tips that can help you improve your sleep quality, and therefore your quality of life. CREATE YOUR DAILY ROUTINE One of the most important things that affect the quality of your sleep is your daily schedule. People are creatures of habit, so it is good to create daily routines that can help you feel better, sleep better and be happier and healthier. For that reason, it is very important to lie down and get up at about the same time every day. In this way, we get our brain and body used to slowly falling asleep ...

13 ways to naturally increase your energy during the day

  Do you often run out of energy at work in the middle of working hours? Don't you want to go to training this time too because you are too tired and tired of constantly pouring yourself a coffee and other energy drinks to regain energy? Energy can be maintained in a natural and very simple way during the day, and we talk about these methods below. Here are some natural ways to stay full of energy throughout the day without resorting to some unhealthy options like coffee or refined sugar. 1. USE VITAMIN B12 It is known that this vitamin provides energy, and you can read about its benefits on the Internet so that we do not take up a lot of space here. It is crucial for your energy throughout the day, as well as for the general condition of your body. 2. DRINK WATER! The most common cause of fatigue is dehydration. If you are not hydrated enough, your blood volume may drop, and your body must work harder to bring oxygen and nutrients to the cells. If you feel tired, it may be a sign ...

Morning routines of successful people

  You must have heard the saying "whoever gets up early, grabs two fortunes". However, if you are an early riser who supports the routines listed below, you will certainly improve your success, both in business and in private life. "Every morning we have 2 hours during which our mental ability is very high, so it is a good time to upgrade our being, so to speak. Unfortunately, many people waste that time on the wrong things. ” - Dan Ariel - (Professor from Duke University) Creating morning routines that will suit you is crucial to maintaining a high level of productivity that will keep you going throughout the day. Below we list some of the morning routines practiced by successful people that you can add to your start of the day, and thus increase your productivity. 1. WAKING UP EARLY IN THE MORNING Successful people know that time is a very precious commodity. Since they know that they have a lot of obligations at work (phone calls, meetings, conversations with clients,...

How to overcome procrastination

  You must have decided by now to permanently change your habits - I get up 15 minutes early tomorrow to meditate in peace or do a detox smoothie before work. You enthusiastically sound the alarm 15 minutes early, and it’s like you can’t wait for that morning. It all lasts until the alarm rings the next morning. Do you have the feeling that you are a completely different person when you make such qualities, and completely different when you need to apply those decisions? Often, even when we are familiar with all the techniques, tricks, and methods, it happens that we find ourselves in a situation where we simply do not apply what we have written in our planner. Often there is neither knowledge nor effort between us and our goals, but PROCRASTINATION! (Procrastination is delaying or avoiding something) Procrastination is, for example, postponing exercise, postponing getting up early or writing the blog we want to publish, etc. Procrastination is an integral part of our lives and is ...

Habits of successful people - how to become one of them

  There are various obstacles along the way that you will have to overcome if you want to realize your dreams and goals. Many succumb to these obstacles and give up their goals and dreams because they do not know how to deal with them. On the other hand, successful people have learned how to deal effectively with these difficulties. We will now talk about the habits that successful people have, which help them to reach their goals, regardless of obstacles. Successful people are successful because they focus all their energy and focus on things and people they can influence. They do not allow negativity to enter their lives and affect their vision, work, or energy. They organize their work every day and respect their schedule. Martin Seligman, former director of the clinical program at the University of Pennsylvania, has spent 14 years researching the impact of positive psychology and the full range of human emotions that have a direct impact on our success in life. He concluded tha...

Breathing techniques as a tool to improve our overall health

  Pranayama is a breathing technique in yoga practice. It is a science that is based on controlling your breath. Yoga breathing consists of exercises designed to maintain good health. Breathing techniques are based on proper and controlled inhalation and exhalation of air to relax and reduce stress. Pranayama teaches you to change your depth, speed, and breathing pattern. As we already know, lifting is crucial for our survival because it is the only way we deliver oxygen to our organs and the brain. Science says that we can endure even months without food, without water we can endure a couple of days, but only a few minutes we can endure without breathing. When you learn to breathe, you will create a positive impact on your actions and your thoughts and feelings. Every thought affects your breathing rhythm, when we are happy, for example, breathing is rhythmic, but when we are under stress, our breathing becomes irregular and intermittent. Practicing the art of breathing and learni...