What kind of memory power you will have depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you are a student and studying for exams, whether you are a professional or a businessman who needs improvement in the field of memory to perform his tasks or jobs more efficiently, or whether you are an elderly person who wants to keep his memory at bay despite aging, there are many things you can do for yourself to improve your memory. Although many claims that we cannot teach the "old dog" new tricks, this is not the case with our brains. The human brain has an extraordinary ability to change and adapt, regardless of age. This feature of our brain is called NEUROPLASTICITY . With the right stimulation, our brain can change existing connections and adapt to the change imposed on it, and thus improve its cognitive abilities, and the ability to absorb new information very easily. # 1 TIP: DO NOT SKIP DREAM AND TRAINING Just as athletes rely on healthy diets and sleep to achieve...
Personal Growth and Development Tips