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How to permanently solve the problem of insomnia

Quality sleep is key in how we feel, mentally and physically, so it is very important whether we sleep well and enough. Everyone has experiences with those nights when they can't fall asleep easily or don't sleep very well. Normally, you need 10-20 minutes to fall asleep and some smaller variations about that time do not represent an indication of a problem. However, if a person regularly struggles to fall asleep, they may have a sleep disorder or Insomnia. Here are some tips that can help you improve your sleep quality, and therefore your quality of life.


One of the most important things that affect the quality of your sleep is your daily schedule. People are creatures of habit, so it is good to create daily routines that can help you feel better, sleep better and be happier and healthier. For that reason, it is very important to lie down and get up at about the same time every day. In this way, we get our brain and body used to slowly falling asleep and "extinguishing" in the evening, at a certain time, to adequately rest and relax.

Many sleep experts claim that it is much better for us if we fall asleep before midnight because our body is naturally programmed to gradually relax and slow down with the sunset. You've probably noticed that yourself. Although you sleep the prescribed 8 hours, it is not the same quality of sleep if you fall asleep at 2 am and wake up at 10 am, or fall asleep at 11 pm and wake up at 7 am. Sleep will strengthen you much more if you fall asleep before midnight. As for the amount of sleep, it is optimal, for an adult, from 7 to 9 of sleep. Although, like most other things, this is individual and each of us needs to find for ourselves the optimal duration of sleep after which they feel best.

Remember that your sleep routine starts long before you go to bed, so every night you need to find time to prepare for bed. You must make an effort to turn off the technology at least an hour before bedtime and to almost completely darken the room in which you sleep. Reading, stretching or meditation are great forms of relaxation that are needed before bed.


Our physical health as well as the way we take care of our body also has a big impact on our sleep. If you are a person who has a habit of consuming caffeine, nicotine, or heavy meals before bed, it can disrupt your sleep and make it less quality. I guess everyone knows how harmful these habits are to your health, but if you "can't" give them up completely, at least try to reduce them before bed.

On the other hand, a healthy diet and regular physical activity have a very beneficial effect on our sleep, and on our body in general. Even just half an hour of physical activity during the day can help you fall asleep easier and make your sleep deeper and invigorating. It would be ideal if you did the training outside because the fresh air additionally helps you feel better and thus sleep better during the night. Staying in nature is also a great way to relax and unwind.

Exercise in the evening should be avoided as it can impair the quality of your sleep. If this is the only time you can train, then make sure it is at least 2-3 hours before you go to bed. After training, be sure to take a warm shower or relax in a warm bath. Warm water is very good before bed because it helps to slightly increase your body temperature, and as soon as you get out of the water, the temperature starts to drop and thus you become more sleepy and ready to sleep. Also, hot tea has an identical effect. Natural teas made from chamomile, thyme, mint, lavender, lemon balm, or valerian have a beneficial effect on your sleep because they soothe and prepare you for sleep, and also help you with better digestion and detoxification of the body.


Some seemingly simple things can have a big impact on making you fall asleep faster and easier and rest as well as possible. Research has confirmed that in a colder room (around 18 degrees) you will fall asleep much easier. A completely dark and quiet room also has a favorable effect on making you fall asleep easier and faster because your retina in your eyes registers darkness as a signal that it is time to sleep, so it is recommended to avoid sleeping with a phone or TV. Before going to bed, ventilate the room where you sleep well.

Psychologists advise you not to use the bed for work, lying down, watching television, and similar activities that keep you awake. You should use the bed exclusively and only for sleeping. Your bed should be an association for you to sleep and not for some other activity.

A quality mattress and comfortable pajamas can have a significant impact on your sleep. Earplugs, an eye mask and a turned-off phone, and other electrical appliances in your bedroom can make a huge difference in the quality and quantity of your sleep. Essential oils have a beneficial effect on relaxation and can help you relax before bed. Lavender, sage, orange, incense, or rosemary oil can help you against insomnia. Some people also enjoy playing ambient music or "white noise" such as the sounds of rain, the sounds of nature, the sound of waterfalls or the singing of birds, etc. Find your winning combination and apply it every night.


If you keep a TV in your bedroom, turn it off today, and your body will be very grateful for it. It often happens that people who have a TV in their bedroom fall asleep with the TV on. If you do this, know that this habit is very harmful to your mind and your overall psychophysical health. Surely you know that your subconscious never sleeps and that your mind "hears" and remembers everything that happens even during sleep. It is not strange if you are nervous and tired during the day if you have a habit of sleeping with the TV on, because who knows what information you collected during sleep. And know that this information enters directly into your subconscious during sleep.

Also, if you have any other electrical appliance in your bedroom, throw it out or turn it off completely. Why would you even need any device while you sleep? And most importantly, turn off the router WHEN YOU GO TO SLEEP! Technology should serve you, not make you a problem.


If you lie awake and can't fall asleep, don't try to fall asleep at all. You will not achieve anything by force, on the contrary, you will find it even harder to fall asleep. Some recommend that you get up and do something relaxing, such as meditating, listening to relaxing music, reading a book, etc., and then go back to bed when you fall asleep. Avoid sleeping during the day unless necessary. A short nap of 15 minutes can refresh you, but scientific studies have shown that if you sleep for half an hour or longer in the afternoon, it can significantly affect that you find it harder to fall asleep at night and wake up more often during the night.

Also, avoid going to bed when you are worried or nervous because stress is the biggest enemy of sleep. If you suffer from evening anxiety, and all sorts of thoughts come to you when you go to sleep, try to perform relaxation techniques before bed. Meditation, breathing techniques, yoga, and stretching before bed can calm your nervous system and reduce cortisol and adrenaline. This will make you more relaxed and easier to fall asleep.

Here is one technique that can help you relax and fall asleep much faster than usual. Try it tonight and share your experiences with me.

• Relax the whole face, including the scalp, eyes, nose, ears, lips, jaw

• Relax your shoulders to release tension and place your arms next to your body completely relaxed

• Take a deep breath and exhale slowly relaxing your chest

• Relax your legs, wake up, and leaves

• Relax your whole body as much as you can

• Breathe abdominal, stomach all the time

• Cleanse your mind by visualizing some relaxing scene like the sea, a waterfall, and the like

• Repeat the mantra “I am sleepy and very relaxed now” (compose a mantra that has the same meaning, but choose the words of your choice.


Poor sleep quality and insomnia can interfere with every aspect of your life. Lack of quality rest negatively affects our concentration and focus, how we deal with stress, makes us irritable and moody, and has a very bad effect on our health. That is why it is important that if you have this problem, do something as soon as possible that will help you solve it. Insomnia can also be a consequence of a certain psychological or emotional state that you need to work on, so if all these tips do not help, I suggest that you consult someone who is an expert in this field.


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