High sensitivity is a term that refers to those people whose nervous system is strengthened sensitive to emotional, social, and physical stimuli, and their cognitive processing very deeply. These are the people who will often characterize the environment as too sensitive, too emotional, as people who think too much, experience problems and emotions too intensely other people, and the like. When labeled like this, they often develop the belief that something is wrong with them.
However, it is important to point out that high sensitivity in itself is not seen as a disorder as a permanent personality structure that exists on average in every fifth person. If it becomes something that significantly interferes with the person's functioning, it is through psychotherapy works on acquiring coping skills with stress, overemphasized emotions, breaking the chain of excessive thinking and the like. It is also very important that the highly sensitive person is alone she taught herself to accept as such, as well as for her immediate environment to understand this phenomenon. In that case, they would describe her as someone who is extremely empathetic, attentive, analytical, a good listener, very likely creative, versatile, passionate, in love with art, as someone to be with they can have "philosophical" conversations.
They react violently to the disturbing content placed by the media. Mostly it will avoid watching or reading about brutality and cruelty to humans and animals, and will strongly shake if you run into the same. When they come across scenes of violence in movies and series, they probably will cover your eyes with your hands. They will also be very upset when they hear someone's difficult life story.
Their sensory system is easily irritated. The senses of highly sensitive people are more sensitive than in other people. Highly sensitive people will generally be hypersensitive to strong light or dim when they have to strain their eyes. Unpleasant odors can cause them nausea, even if it was a perfume they felt in passing, which did not match their nose. Loud and inarticulate sounds will also irritate them: too loud TV, music that does not pleasant, the sound of a drill, the ticking of a wall clock, and the like. They can't stand being squeezed, blisters, stings, so they will be fans of comfortable clothes and shoes. They have a low pain threshold.
They feel emotionally overwhelmed when they have short deadlines a larger number of tasks. In such situations, their anxiety can reach levels of a panic attack, for example when they receive information that the exam is a few days earlier than they are expected or when they have a larger number of obligations in one day, so everything seems chaotic to them unattainable to do. This is in line with the sensitivity of their nervous system because it always will be intensified under the influence of a large number of external stimuli. It is also characteristically they are very upset when they estimate they have little time to do the test, colloquium, written exam.
Highly sensitive people like to spend time alone. They know how to appreciate time have only for themselves and to enjoy the same. They have a lot of interest, and they will rarely feel bored. They need this time both to calm their senses and to "recharge their batteries" exposure to new situations.
Emotional reactivity and empathy. Highly sensitive people will have their own emotions generally experience and manifest very violently in their comfort zone (when alone or in the company of close persons), while outside it they will be restrained, even acting cold, passive. Sensitive they are on injustice, and when they think that they have inflicted it on someone, they feel guilt, shame. They are very compassionate, they know how to put themselves in "other people's shoes". Empathy is what makes a person man. However, in highly sensitive people, it can become a problem when someone else's worries and emotions alone lead to emotional exhaustion and personal dissatisfaction.
They read other people well. In the context of social relations, highly sensitive people will pay attention to details, such as facial expressions of other people, their body language, tone, they will probably easily notice someone's bad intentions, which helps them recognize them more easily different personality structures and eventually avoid those that do not suit them. It can be misunderstood by the environment because on that basis they become very exclusive, a small number of people will respond and can be characterized as people who are bothered by everyone. However, in friendship, and are very loyal to the partnership. When they find people they can truly connect with, they are very committed to that relationship. You can always count on a highly sensitive person if you have grown close to her heart.
They process the information on a deeper mental level. This feature is highly sensitive to persons because of which they are superficial, analytical, detailed. They will ask you sub-questions to understand and advise you in the best possible way. You can go with her have deep, meaningful conversations. On the contrary, they do not like it, it is easier for them to be silent than to tell "empty stories". They also have a very vivid imagination, and as children, they probably had imaginary friends. However, the propensity for deep processing can become problematic if they develop excessive thinking that leads them to unhealthy emotions such as elevated anxiety, self-criticism, guilt, demotivation.
Highly sensitive people love aesthetics. They can be very touched by beauty, art, nature. Music, works of art, pleasant tastes, and smells will overwhelm them with positive emotions. They can cry from happiness and excitement, but also sadness when they are touched by a movie, a book, a song. They like to enjoy food and drink. They are often animal lovers.
They are sensitive to internal bodily processes. Highly sensitive people can be, for example, very sensitive to hunger. Like all other changes in the body, so does the drop in sugar levels blood can be experienced as a very unpleasant sensation that can activate anger. The same is the case with insomnia. Highly sensitive women can feel hormonal changes very intensely. Also, for highly sensitive people, caffeine and alcohol intake can be an unpleasant experience. Since their nervous system is naturally more irritated, the intake of these substances (stimulants) can upset them greatly.
Finally, it is important to note that we do not have to recognize everything in the same person listed traits to be considered highly sensitive. On the contrary, some will empathy will be dominant, in others the sensitivity of the senses to external stimuli is increased, in others sensitivity to art/music/ literature.
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