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Morning routines of successful people


You must have heard the saying "whoever gets up early, grabs two fortunes". However, if you are an early riser who supports the routines listed below, you will certainly improve your success, both in business and in private life.

"Every morning we have 2 hours during which our mental ability is very high, so it is a good time to upgrade our being, so to speak. Unfortunately, many people waste that time on the wrong things. ”

- Dan Ariel - (Professor from Duke University)

Creating morning routines that will suit you is crucial to maintaining a high level of productivity that will keep you going throughout the day.

Below we list some of the morning routines practiced by successful people that you can add to your start of the day, and thus increase your productivity.


Successful people know that time is a very precious commodity. Since they know that they have a lot of obligations at work (phone calls, meetings, conversations with clients, etc.), the morning hours at home are completely under their control. That is why many successful people wake up at dawn, using that time only for themselves.

According to some polls, it was concluded that as many as 90% of executives said to wake up before 6 am. One example is the director of "PepsiCo", Indra Nuji, who wakes up at 4 a.m. and is in the office until 7 o'clock. Disney CEO Bob Eiger gets up at 4:30 to have time to read. A productive morning leads to a productive day.


This is one of the activities that almost all successful and rich people apply in their lives. Whether it’s training at home, at the gym, or outdoors, whether it’s weight training, bodyweight, or yoga, this routine is done every morning.

You probably think they do it because they don't have enough time during the day, so they use the morning for training. However, the main reason for that is the scientific proof that morning exercise before breakfast is as good in reducing stress during the day. Morning exercise helps you cope with stress at work.


Quiet morning hours can be ideal to have fun and focus on some important project you have. The brain is very productive in that part of the day, so you will most likely make the best decisions. Then you are completely focused on what you are doing and you have no distractions. Take advantage of the morning if you have difficult business decisions ahead of you. You’ve probably heard that morning is smarter than evening, it’s not said for no reason.


Whatever hobby they have, whether it is painting, playing, singing, making various handicrafts or any other hobby, successful people like to do them during the morning. Namely, if they are at work all day, they are often tired when they return, so it is difficult for them to pursue their hobbies. Instead, they start their day with their hobby which further relaxes them which helps in controlling and reducing stress during the day. Based on this, it might be good for you to start the morning with your hobby, give it a try.


There is nothing more beautiful than when the family gathers before the daily obligations and has breakfast together with a pleasant family conversation. This is a habit that is very good for starting the day for all people. When you start your day with the people who mean the most to you in life, it has a very positive impact on your mood and you become full of zeal to do all your daily tasks.


Many couples use their morning hours for themselves. For example, the CEO of Black Rock, Mr. McKenzie, goes to work with his wife every morning. Since they need 45 minutes to get to work, they use that time for their conversations, agreements, plans, etc.


As many business and successful people do not have time for relaxed socializing outside the office, some of them use their time for morning coffee with friends in a cafeteria. Just like we talked about family, when you start the day with dear beings, all daily obstacles seem easier and much easier to overcome.


A sense of peace and tranquility is a prerequisite today if we want to be sane and mindful in this fast-paced time of life. Especially if you run a large company or its larger sectors. Meditation is a technique that helps you achieve this state, which accompanies you throughout the day. Famous presenter Oprah Winfrey is one of those who meditate every morning because she helps her calmly get through every working day.


Expressing gratitude is a great way to start your day, and positively program your mood. Every morning, after you get up, write down on paper everything you are grateful for in life. You can list from the smallest things to the most important ones, it is completely irrelevant, it is only important to awaken that wonderful feeling of gratitude in yourself. When you are grateful for what you have, you program yourself to have even more things come to you that you will be grateful for.


Planning is in itself a great tool for managing time most productively. It helps you do everything you have imagined. In this way, you will determine your priorities that you will focus on, but also determine in which direction you want your day to go.


Books are the best source of knowledge you can imagine. Each book represents a set of knowledge and wisdom of the author who wrote that work. It’s like holding someone else’s mind in your hands. This is a great source of knowledge and wisdom with which to start your day. You try to learn something new every day, and books are a great tool for that.


For some, this routine is implied, while some are not used to it. Many successful people start their day by showering with cold water because in that way they reset their organism, "wash away" all the negativity that has accumulated in them and start the day fresh and relaxed.

These are just some of the routines that successful people practice. Would you add another habit to this list that could help increase productivity? Write me your opinion in the comments.


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