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Do you have problems with overthinking?



As part of anxiety disorders and depressive states, a very common occurrence is excessive thinking, which can also be an integral part of unhealthy feelings such as jealousy, anger, guilt, and others. Excessive thinking in itself can lead to aggravation or maintenance of these conditions. Many who have this disorder justify it by equating it with being able to look at things from multiple perspectives and prepare to face potential negative outcomes. In reality, it's not really like that. The outcome mostly comes down to the fact that, from what we have been thinking about so much, it has never and will never happen and it has taken a lot of our time, energy, mental and physical strength.

People equate excessive thinking with problem-solving, but there is a difference. The problem to be solved is based on seeing the advantages and disadvantages of possible options, and making the best decision based on the conclusions reached. Excessive thinking comes down more to trying to control some things that are not actually under our control, which further leads to the fact that we do not find an adequate solution to our problem, which further frustrates us and it becomes a vicious circle.


Excessive thinking can occur due to unhealthy perfectionism, as a result of which a person sets unrealistic goals for himself, does not allow himself to make any mistake, and if he does, he perceives them as inadmissible, blames himself, and quickly gives up. In order not to get into that situation, people who think excessively and who are unhealthy perfectionists, often delay taking action so as not to encounter the feeling of discomfort they would have if they made a mistake. This leads them to give up without and try.

Nurturing excessive thinking causes your anxiety, anger, guilt, and the like to remain elevated, or even turn into overwhelming feelings. It leads to the development of insomnia, your productivity at work or school decreases, you neglect many obligations, etc. Because of all this, excessive thinking is considered a problem.


- Even the banalest decisions represent an effort for you because you invest too much analysis in them and consider the possible consequences of the wrong choice.

- You are rarely present in the present moment because you are constantly preoccupied with your thoughts.

- You are often composed of self-criticism; you are never completely satisfied with yourself and your accomplishments.

- You deprive yourself of many activities because you have concluded by "detailed analysis" that not something bad can happen.

- You relive moments from the past in which you felt hurt, humiliated, ashamed, ashamed, and the like.

- You ask yourself too many questions "What if ..." to which there are no answers.

- You deal too much with things that you could have done or said in certain situations, and you didn't.

- You have difficulty falling asleep because you have the feeling that you cannot turn off your brain.

- You worry too much about things that do not depend solely on you and that is not under your control.

- You re-analyze your mistakes, devaluing yourself, and do not focus on solving them.

- You are never spontaneous, but you like to control everything and to be always prepared for everything.

In the end, we can conclude that excessive thinking will not protect you from possible negative outcomes in certain situations, while, on the other hand, it can significantly affect the quality of your life, which will deprive you of many experiences and spontaneity. Do you consider yourself to think too much and how do you deal with it? In future posts, we will cover techniques that can help you calm this "monkey" that is constantly jumping in your head and not give you peace.


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