What kind of memory power you will have depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you are a student and studying for exams, whether you are a professional or a businessman who needs improvement in the field of memory to perform his tasks or jobs more efficiently, or whether you are an elderly person who wants to keep his memory at bay despite aging, there are many things you can do for yourself to improve your memory.
Although many claims that we cannot teach the "old dog" new tricks, this is not the case with our brains. The human brain has an extraordinary ability to change and adapt, regardless of age. This feature of our brain is called NEUROPLASTICITY. With the right stimulation, our brain can change existing connections and adapt to the change imposed on it, and thus improve its cognitive abilities, and the ability to absorb new information very easily.
Just as athletes rely on healthy diets and sleep to achieve the best results, our ability to remember also increases when we nurture our body, ie the brain, by eating healthy foods and quality rest.
By exercising the body, we also exercise our brain
The way we treat our body, and thus our brain, we will achieve such results in the field of memory and information memory. Physical training increases the oxygen in our brain, which reduces the risk of various types of diseases that further lead to memory loss (such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases). Exercise can help protect brain cells, as well as boost the work and production of beneficial chemicals in the brain.
Improve your memory by practicing regular sleep
When you are sleep deprived and lack sleep, your brain does not function at maximum power. The power of creativity, the ability to solve problems as well as the ability to think critically decline with a lack of sleep. Whether you are studying, working, or trying to solve some problems of everyday life, it will be very difficult for you if you do not get enough sleep.
Just as your car needs quality fuel to work perfectly, the same thing is with your body and brain. You probably know that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, seeds and nuts, unprocessed plant foods, and other very beneficial effects on our body and our brain. What you eat and what you don't eat are very important for the health of our brain!
Enter Omega 3 fatty acids
They are extremely useful for the health of our brain and thus improve our memory. Many claims that fish, especially tuna and sardines, are the best sources of Omega 3 fatty acids. I’m honestly more for some plant sources, like flax, which is too rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, or nuts. The edge can contain accumulated heavy metals, especially mercury, which is by no means healthy for our brain.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables, in all possible colors and fresh form, are an excellent antioxidant that protects our brain from various types of damage. Among other benefits, they also say that consuming green tea can significantly improve our memory and mental activity, and thus slow down the aging of our brain.
Wine (or grape juice) in moderation
You already know that alcohol kills our brain cells, and it is by no means healthy in large quantities. However, a moderate dose of natural wine (about one glass a day) can have a beneficial effect on our memory and cognitive functions. Red wine is the best option because it is rich in ingredients that improve blood flow to the brain and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Although I would like to mention again, alcohol can be very harmful, so without exaggeration, and this everyday habit!
Humans are known to be social beings. As such, it is very difficult for a person to function properly if he is lonely and in isolation. Connections and relationships stimulate people's proper brain function because interacting with others can be an extremely good way to exercise your brain.
Research has shown that in cases where we have good connections and support from other people, it is necessary for our emotional health as well as for the health of our brain. It has been proven that people with the most active social life have the slowest process of memory loss in old age.
You are probably already familiar with the fact that laughter is the best medicine for everyone, so it also refers to the health of our brain and our memory. Laughter activates more regions in the brain that cause more brain activity. Listening to jokes and jokes, or watching funny clips and comedies, activates the part of the brain that is vital for learning and creativity.
Laugh at yourself
Share with others the moments when you felt a little uncomfortable or ashamed. The best way to take ourselves very seriously is to joke at our own expense. Don't be egocentric, make a joke at your own expense, and laugh heartily. We all make mistakes, and it is completely normal for an unforeseen situation to happen to everyone in which we turn out to be funny.
Spend time with people who give you positive energy and make you laugh
Simply surround yourself with people who leave a positive impression on you, and who make you laugh and have pleasant feelings. It is invaluable to surround yourself with people like this in your life.
Remind yourself every day how important it is to be positive for your overall health
Write yourself reminders or motivational messages that you will keep in a prominent place, and that will constantly remind you of how important it is to feel good. It can be a funny quote or a picture that always makes you laugh. Keep recordings on your phone that can make you happy and laugh in an instant. Always be prepared to have a "dose" of laughter in your pocket.
Here are some tips that can help you improve your brain and remember things better and easier. What other tips would you add that helped you increase your memory? Write me what you think in the comments.
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