Due to the increasing degradation of spiritual purity in people and the increasing focus on materialism, our third eye has become inactive. The third eye or pineal gland is atrophied and calcified in most people, and in this post, we will cover the topic of how to cleanse our third eye and how to restore that unlimited spiritual power we possess!
Many philosophers, sages, and spiritual teachers have associated the pineal gland with the third eye, whose perception is not obscured or limited by physical feelings. Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, emphasized in his books the importance of the pineal gland, calling it the "center of the soul" or part of the body where our soul resides. The third eye is directly connected to the sixth chakra and the pineal gland.
Some scientists have found that the pineal gland is created in the fetus 49 days after conception. Tibetan Buddhists said in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" that it takes just as long for the soul to leave the body after death and spend it in a disembodied state before entering another body.
Many people today know the function of the pineal gland in the physical and spiritual sense, but it is important to know that it cannot perform its function if it is calcified.
The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland, the size of a pea, located between the hemispheres of the brain. Today, it is known that it is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, regulates endocrine functions, the state of wakefulness and sleep, circadian rhythm, and the conversion of nerve signals into endocrine signals.
In most people, the pancreas is atrophied and inactive. For centuries, people have been separated from meditation, which stimulates the flow of energy, and many parts of the human soul have ceased to function. Some say that we will activate this gland when all of humanity reaches a higher level of spirituality than it once existed.
In children, a healthy and active pineal gland is the size of an average grape, while in adults it is stunted and the size of a pea.
This change occurs because it becomes calcified and begins to "harden". Calcification is a process in which calcium salts accumulate in soft tissues and harden them.
The most common causes of epiphyseal calcification are modern diets (meat, dairy products, refined flour, sugar, etc. which create increased acidity in the body which further leads to epiphyseal calcification), as well as high concentrations of fluoride and other toxins in the body.
The pineal gland is sensitive to consciousness, so sunlight acts on it like an external clock by which it aligns our internal clock. In the absence of daylight, the pineal gland converts the amino acid tryptophan into the hormone serotonin, which is then converted into the hormone melatonin. The production of melatonin is greatest in children until puberty, and after that, with aging, there is less and less secretion of this hormone
To keep the pineal gland healthy and functional, we need to apply the following recommendations:
• SUN EXPOSURE - One of the most effective ways is exposure to daylight or sun, due to the absorption of vitamin D, due to which its deficiency leads to calcification.
The sun stimulates the proper functioning of the pineal gland, so it is suggested that you expose yourself to the sun for about twenty minutes a day, especially around the head and around the eyes. The pineal gland affects how much a person can provide himself with real-life energy from the Source or Prana. The basic role of the pineal gland and pituitary gland is to be the receptors of Prana (cosmic energy) and light and to be their converters into usable life energy for the maintenance of the human physical body. It has been proven that the larger the pineal gland, the less "artificial energy" you need to put into your body.
Looking at the sun creates a feeling of "satiety" and reduces the need for food. Many claims that we do not need food if we use this natural source of cosmic energy properly, which naturally feeds and nourishes us.
• HEALTHY EATING - Many claim, and there is a lot of evidence, that a vegetarian, vegan and raw plant-based diet, consisting of unprocessed products such as fruits, vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, legumes, cereals, is the healthiest way to eat. our pineal gland, and thus for the overall health of the organism.
• ELIMINATION OF FLUORINE, CHLORINE, BROMINE - These are chemical substances that have a similar effect on our pineal gland, and that is its calcification. Particular attention should be paid to fluorine, which means that it should be eliminated from use as soon as possible.
There are two types of Fluoride, one of which is calcium fluoride which can be found in some underground sources and which is relatively harmless. But if you consume it every day, it can lead to bone and tooth problems. Calcium is normally used to neutralize the toxic effects of fluoride.
Another type of fluoride is one that is added to drinking water, and food, and other household products and preparations (which we use regularly, such as toothpaste) that are obtained as waste from the process of nuclear and aluminum production. (Make your toothpaste, or buy one without fluoride, and consume spring water)
Sodium fluoride is classified as a poison used for rats, and as a pesticide. It is found in processed foods, all juices, and beverages, as well as in bottled drinking water. Read the product declaration carefully when purchasing.
Again, exposure to the Sun is very important for the proper functioning of our pineal gland. When the pineal gland is calcified, there is a decrease in the secretion of melatonin and serotonin in the blood, which leads to faster aging and the weakening of the immune system.
• AVOID CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTATION - Calcium supplementation only encourages additional calcification of our pineal gland, which is not our goal.
• AVOID MERCURY! - Mercury should be strictly avoided due to its neurotoxic effect. This means that you have to replace all dental fillings that contain mercury, pay attention to the consumption of fish (especially from contaminated areas), and reduce the use of energy-saving light bulbs. Mercury is a heavy meal that must be cleared from the body. Get well informed about all medical products and preparations and their composition!
• AVOID ALL TYPES OF TOXINS - All pesticides are toxic, and some are especially harmful to our pineal gland. Therefore, it is especially recommended to consume organically grown food, with a higher intake of raw organic food. Artificial sweeteners (some are even more harmful than regular sugar) should also be avoided, as well as chemical preparations that are added to industrial food and personal hygiene products. Stevia is a great sugar substitute that is completely safe.
• RAW COCOA - Raw cocoa, due to its high content of antioxidants, is excellent for stimulating the pineal gland and also cleanses the body.
• GARLIC AND ORIGAN OIL - Garlic can dissolve calcium and acts as an antibiotic. It also stimulates the proper functioning of our immune system. (If you are afraid that you will feel like garlic, chew some primrose leaves). Origano oil acts as a natural antibiotic against "calcium armor" created by nanobacteria around itself in the pineal gland.
• MELATONIN - The pineal gland is responsible for the production of melatonin in the body. It is associated with a feeling of relaxation and relaxation. If you are supplementing with this hormone, be sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist.
• IODINE - Iodine can be found in nature in seaweed or algae, and it has been proven to excrete sodium fluoride from the body through urine. The Western-style of eating has very little (if any) of this mineral and our body needs it too much. Find out online which are these natural plant sources of iodine. I use Lugol's solution, which they say is the best form of iodine that we need. It was used as a "universal remedy" until about 1980 when it was suddenly declared "poisonous." I suggest that you do a little research on what Lugol's solution is and what effect it has on the organism.
• BOR - Another great mineral that helps remove fluoride from the body. It is found in beets that you can eat fresh or cooked. And it can also be found in naturally dried plums or the form of a supplement.
• FOODS RICH IN CHLOROPHYLL - Foods rich in chlorophyll such as spirulina, young wheat, and blue-green algae are very good in the process of detoxification of the body.
• APPLE VINEGAR - This natural detoxifier prevents calcium deposition thanks to raspberry acid which gives it a sour taste. When taken as a supplement, it affects digestion and helps in detoxification.
Do you already use some of these natural ways to decalcify the pineal gland, and if so, what are your experiences with that? Write to me in the comments, I am very interested in your opinion.
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