Your spoken words are a tool that has the power to shape your life. You need to know that the art of speech is very important, although most people ignore this and do not pay attention to the weight of the spoken words.
Many are not aware that every word spoken has enormous power over us. If you are consciously observing your words as you speak, you will see the connection between what you say and what you experience in your life. Whether we are talking to someone or having a monologue, we mostly say what we think, but we also say those words that represent a negative context.
Very few are those who are aware of every word they say to themselves or others. Very often we are self-critical towards ourselves or others, we mostly speak in a negative context, through irony or sarcasm, or we speak with a dose of disrespect both to ourselves and to others. You must know that your subconscious does not know how to distinguish reality from inner "reality" (imagination), but it listens to every word and fulfills everything that you, with those words, ask of it.
Every word we utter has its weight, and above all, it has its energy vibration. The universe detects that vibration that we transmit in words and returns to us everything that is in harmony with that vibration. For example, when we say "I can't do it, it's too hard for me", the Universe understands it as your order to him and he tries to obey your wish.
Mostly it is reflected in the form of a "hopeless" situation in which you find yourself, for which you blame fate, a higher power, the state, or something else, not realizing that you are the only one responsible for the life you live.
You are firmly connected to everything you say, therefore, you believe in what you say And that is proof of how easy it is to build a destructive belief. Later, you function based on that adopted belief, and you realize that it is just a thought repeated several times colored by some negative emotion that has remained permanently written in your subconscious. A very common example of a pattern that is constantly spinning is the term "lack of money". A person who constantly says it and believes in it, cannot expect another experience but gets exactly what he constantly thinks and talks about, and that is the lack of money.
Try to permanently remove the following phrases from your vocabulary:
• “Alas, terrible!”
• “Disaster!”
• "Horror!"
• "I can't do that!"
• "I will never do that!"
• "I hope so..."
• "I can't do that!" Etc.
It is clear to you what you will manifest in your life if these phrases are included in every conversation you have.
Life will give you exactly what you are constantly saying!
Most people say these words out of habit, or to describe a situation, although most of them are not so "terrible" at all, such words make you more and more attracted and witness such things that will make you use these negative sayings more and more. it becomes a vicious circle!
Become aware of your spoken words, and catch all those sayings that you think will negatively affect your future. Choose carefully what you will say because, if you do not do that, you will reap the fruits of exactly what you say!
It is well known that what you focus on grows. The same story is with this situation. As soon as you become aware of what you are saying, try to find a better, more subtle word that will replace it. When you catch yourself uttering some bad or toxic words or phrases again, say I CANCEL WHAT I SAID! Say this to yourself even when someone else is speaking badly.
Remember the following that behind every spoken word there is a thought, behind every thought there is a repressed emotion, and behind every repressed emotion there is a situation from the past, so it is very important to find the main cause of the toxic words you say! When you realize this, you will notice a big shift in your personal development.
As in any area of personal development, awareness is a key tool that will lead you to change for the better. So, you have to be aware of what is bad to know what you need to work on to be better.
The same situation is with your speech. Above all, you need to be aware of the words you use all the time that you think are badly affecting your present as well as your future. After you become aware of them, try to say them as rarely as possible, or if you have to mention them, do it by replacing them with a word that does not cause so many negative emotions in you.
Get rid of all those words that have fear, hatred, anger, rage, shame, and other things in you. Replace them with some words, or phrases, that are much milder than them. This does not mean that you will never fall into a situation that will require all these negative words and phrases, but you try to use words consciously, even when you get into such a situation and only those words that will not negatively affect your life.
This is practiced, and cannot be achieved overnight, but if you are persistent and consistent, you will become more and more aware of those words that are not good for you and you will change them with some milder variants.
You will see how positive the change in your life will be when you start using words consciously and thoughtfully. Just as negative words manifest in your life, so do good ones. This is reasoning enough for you to start using words constructively and in a way that motivates you and leads you to achieve your dreams and goals.
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