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5 NLP techniques for stress reduction


What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a science that deals with the study of people who have achieved great success in various areas of life. It is used to help people improve personally and professionally. NLP consists of three parts:

- NEURO - refers to our nervous system through which we send and receive information, through our 5 senses. We receive information through our senses, which go further through our nervous system and are sent to our brain which gives them meaning based on when we create our reality.

- LINGUISTIC - refers to our language patterns that our brain uses to describe the information we receive from the outside world. Our words affect our attitudes, moods, emotions, and actions. NLP deals with determining which are the words that effectively affect us, our mood, behavior, attitudes, etc.

- PROGRAMMING - refers to our programs that control our feelings, behavior, and thinking. The cause-and-effect patterns we use to receive and send information, if they are unconstructive, can be identified and replaced with better and more constructive patterns.


At the University of Santa Cruz in California in the early 1970s, Richard Bandler and his professor John Grinder began developing NLP as an experimental thesis. Their interest was to develop a model of behavior that would enable people to achieve the same or similar results as people who easily and constantly achieved top results in different areas of life. In collaboration with pioneers in therapy and personal development (Virginia Satir; Fritz Perls; Milton Ericson), Grinder and Bandler discovered the basic patterns used by all three therapists in their sessions. Today, these patterns are the basis of NLP which includes language patterns, submodalities, meta-models, etc. Having identified these patterns that were common to these masters of personal development, Bandler and his professor Grinder began to share them with their students in seminars and workshops. and continued to develop them further. NLP then spread throughout everything and became more and more applicable in various areas of life.


NLP axioms are the basic principles on which the philosophy of NLP is based. They represent useful beliefs that, if adopted as if they were a complete truth, can significantly improve our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, look at life from a different perspective, and improve our communication skills. Here are some of the NLP axioms that would be good to adopt:

1. Success is the balance of key areas of life.

2. The meaning of communication is based not only on the intention we had but also on the response we received.

3. It doesn't matter what happens to us.

4. If you want to understand something, apply it.

5. The people around us are our mirrors.

6. Everything we live in at the moment is a consequence of our actions.

7. Mind, body, and emotions form one unique system.

8. There is good intention behind every behavior.

9. A map is not a territory.

10. Either we already have all the resources we need to succeed, or we can create them.

11. We can’t help but communicate.

12. Failure does not exist, there are only results.

13. If we do the same, we will get the same result. Change the approach to change the result.

14. People make the best choices they are capable of at a given time.

15. With the flexibility of their thoughts and actions, an individual can manage any situation.


    1. Displace your consciousness from the body (Dissociation) - In NLP, dissociation is one of the ways to separate yourself from any emotion, including stress. It helps you alleviate your emotional attitude towards past or future events. When we take care of something, thoughts that are characterized by certain sounds, images, and feelings appear in our minds. Everything is connected to an already lived experience that we revive in our minds in that moment of stress. You can easily change these feelings of frustration and stress by shifting your consciousness "outside" your body by creating an image in your mind of observing your body outside of it (eg hovering above or next to your body). In that way, you do not identify with what is currently happening inside you, but you become an observer of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.

    2. Imagining a shield or wall (Dissociation) - In this way you can also reduce stress by setting up some kind of barrier over which stress cannot reach you, you become untouchable and resistant to any stressors around you.

    3. Submodalities - Imagine that you can enter the control room of your conscious mind, and there change the parameters (submodalities) by which you will change your subjective experience of the world. By changing the images and sounds we experience in our mind, we can easily reduce the unpleasant feelings we are currently feeling. We also call our sensory (audio, visual and kinesthetic) experiences modalities. Submodalities represent the specific characteristics of these modalities. When unpleasant thoughts come to you, start playing with them and their submodalities. Change the volume of the sound you hear in that thought, change it for the better, blur the image, zoom out and zoom in again, push it away and then draw it to yourself again, etc. structure changed. (This also proves to you that you are the one who controls your thoughts, not those of you, regain that control!)

    4. Change the focus (Submodalities) - Focus is the perfect tool for changing the submodality of your unpleasant thoughts. Whenever an unpleasant thought occurs to us, we feel discomfort, nervousness, anxiety about that event which makes it even more realistic, and we have a feeling that it is taking control of us. By changing the focus, we can easily break its influence. Concentrate that thought and that feeling, but don't give in to it, but observe it and simply turn your focus to something more interesting and pleasant. It is as if there is a boring child next to you who is constantly talking and asking questions, you see and hear him, but you "don't keep him company" but continue to do what is more pleasant and interesting. (Just to emphasize, I'm not saying that you suppress your thoughts and emotions here, quite the opposite. I want you to constantly and notice them but nothing more. Stay away from them because you're not them. Let them be there as much as they want but you don't pay special attention. As with people, when they see that their insults no longer bother you and do not touch you, they will stop. So it is with thoughts and unpleasant emotions.)

    5. Change your inner self-talk (Auditory submodalities) - You must have encountered negative self-talk often, especially during negative stressful situations. This is also a submodality that we can control. Negative self-talk is just a learned reaction to a stressful situation. We can become aware of that self-talk and ask ourselves where does that speech come from? Is the authoritative? Is what he says true or are they just learned sentences that are repeated? Questions like this will diminish his power over you. That voice will stop "sounding" to you when it sees that it does not affect you and your mood.

Remember one thing, we are taught to surrender and allow thoughts and emotions to control us. It is time to realize the power we have, and that is to be the ones who can control what is happening inside us, as well as our reactions to everything that is happening around us. We are the main ones, so I advise you to regain your Power as soon as possible!


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