All the circumstances in our lives are almost always a product of ourselves. I believe that each of us is responsible for the life we have. I believe that consciously or unconsciously, we choose and create the life we currently live. We are personally responsible for the current condition we are in, whether it is related to physical health or circumstances. Our beliefs are major and responsible for the quality of life we currently live.
You may not or do not want to accept this as the truth. It is much easier for most people to play the role of a victim and to constantly blame someone else, or something else, for being responsible for their lives and not themselves. It is easier to blame the state, the economy, parents, God, destiny, etc. because that way they feel better and don't have to accept responsibility. And accepting responsibility is crucial if you want to change your life.
Everyone who has become successful, or anyone who is still unsuccessful, is one hundred percent responsible for their life and for the results they have achieved in life. Our beliefs are the main and responsible for what kind of life we live at the moment. Did you know that everyone earns as much income as their beliefs allow? This is because we have limited ourselves to the amount we are currently earning. We could earn five, ten, twenty times or more if we discarded our negative beliefs we have about money and if we adopt new ones that are much more constructive.
You don't believe me? I am sure that you have someone in your environment who earns much more than you and does not have your level of education, does not have your skills, is not more intelligent than you. Why do you think he earns more than you?
The fact is, whether you admit it or not, that the belief system we have within us is responsible for whether we will live a successful life or not. So, above all, it is necessary to understand and be aware of all our limiting beliefs in all areas of life that we want to improve.
It all starts with our thoughts. Our thoughts are what our belief system consists of, and those beliefs of ours, ultimately, dictate the outcome of every area of our lives. Your beliefs are the sum of your accumulated experiences during life and can be defined as many times repeated thoughts. the head which is why it has become our belief).
Your thoughts have led you to where you are at the moment. But you are not limited to the life you live now. You have accepted that as the best solution at the moment, but that does not mean that you have to stay there for the rest of your life. By choosing different thoughts, you can change the circumstances in which you currently find yourself.
I remind you that we are reservoirs of enormous potential, which allows us to have, be and do whatever we want. All you need to do is believe that it is possible. And once you are determined to believe that you can change and make your life better, you will be amazed at how your mind will immediately set itself in motion and look for the best ways to achieve what you envisioned.
The question is "how do I do that?" is the simple part. The first step is to believe that it is possible to achieve that! Jesus said, "All things are possible to him that believeth." You are limited only by your beliefs, and we have said that beliefs consist only of many times repeated thoughts. That tells us that we have to choose better thoughts than before. And that business is completely under your control. Choose to think those thoughts that contribute to Success, that motivate you, push you forward towards your goals, encourage, encourage, rejoice, cheer, make happy…
Today, make the decision to take full responsibility for your life, and that you are responsible for where you are now and where you will be. From this point on, decide to choose only those thoughts that lead you to success and discard all thoughts of doubt, fear, and mistrust. Your thoughts are key to the quality of your life! Jesus said, "Let it be according to your faith."
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