In almost all anxious people, their only wish is for the condition to simply go away. Anxiety is accompanied by discomfort, rapid and irregular breathing, palpitations, a feeling of tightness in the chest and neck, headache, nausea, dizziness, etc. Constant and elevated anxiety is a symptom of Anxiety Disorder (such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder). disorder). If anxiety has become a chronic condition in a person, it additionally causes unpleasant emotions, such as fear, anger, rage, anxiety, and depressed states due to their anxiety. This is a vicious circle, because the person further delves into his unpleasant emotions and they further cause increased anxiety, the person continues to struggle with this condition, but such behavior is counterproductive and represents the wrong approach.
Anxious people often use this sentence or that sentence goes through their head the moment anxiety occurs. However, anxiety will not weaken if you approach it in such a negative way and if you give it too much attention and importance. The most common reason why this condition persists so much in some people is that they struggle with it because they think that if this condition continues to occur, they will lose control and it will grow into "madness". Let me tell you right away, that's impossible. Madness is not a conscious process, and when we are anxious we are very much aware of everything that is happening in us and around us. Although anxiety can be very strong, and grow into a panic attack, it still has its beginning, peak, and end. The state of anxiety is transient, but it is maintained by our attention and the importance we attach to the symptoms of anxiety. A person who cultivates negative emotions towards his anxiety (he is afraid of her; he is angry and furious about this condition or himself, etc.), thus only maintains and feeds this condition. Thoughts such as "Why is this happening to me", "God, I'm going crazy from this", "What if I lose control and do something bad", "What if I lose my mind and go crazy", etc., are thoughts that feed this state And thus it becomes stronger and more persistent. The negative beliefs we have about our anxiety, about how we will lose control and go crazy, we constantly try to control it, and since it is practically impossible to do so, the person becomes even more frustrated about it and the anxiety does not stop.
As soon as acceptance is mentioned, many will say that it is nonsense and will resist this idea. Then comes a question like, "How can I accept something that is so uncomfortable and that doesn't allow me to function normally?" Although the anxiety condition is very uncomfortable and very exhausting and makes the person helpless, this condition is transient and should not be run away from or suppressed. Don't be afraid of the situation you are in. Anxiety occurs because the person did not face their life problems in the right way, ran away from facing unpleasant emotions, and avoided resolving the internal conflicts that plagued them, or continues to do so. Look at your anxiety as your friend, your teacher who wants to help you.
It is not enough to just say “I accept my anxiety” and for everything to pass, it is important to learn how to do it properly. Anxiety is solved by dealing with it with simple conscious observation without any analysis or struggle. Observe the bodily sensations that take place in your body without any analysis or condemnation of them, without concluding, simply let it exist unhindered in you and consciously follow its course.
A practical technique for accepting your anxiety:
Sit in a comfortable armchair or chair, and close your eyes. Recall a situation in which you felt anxious and determine your level of anxiety on a scale of 1-10. When you imagine this situation, imagine all the details (smells, what is happening around you, temperature, all bodily feelings and sensations (). Now focus completely on that anxiety. Notice where it is, whether it is in the chest, shoulders, head and focus completely on it. Notice how strong that feeling is, it can be very strong or it can decrease. When you watch these feelings or sensations, act like you're watching a movie. When you watch a movie you can't influence its content, you just watch it. You do the same with your anxiety. If thoughts arise that analyze and calculate the situation, just become aware of them and return to your feelings. After a while, your anxiety will decrease by some 4-5 units compared to the level it was. When that happens, finish this exercise. If it is still high, continue with the exercise. But pay attention to whether you are analyzing and struggling with it or you are just aware of the existence of those emotions and thoughts. Apply the exercise whenever you experience a state of anxiety, I hope that this exercise will help you a lot to get rid of this condition in a healthy and proper way.
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