We all dream of some perfect life that we would like to live, but many do not know and do not understand how to turn that dream they have into their physical reality. Everything you need for that you already have in you, you have all the necessary tools to help you fulfill all your dreams.
You must be wondering what tools I mean exactly. These are first of all our thoughts, then words, and our feelings. This sounds very simple, but is it so? Well, it is. It may not be easy at first because you will be doing something completely new to yourself, but with consistent practice and a smart approach, anything can be achieved.
With the firm intention of finally living the life, you have always dreamed of, with the determination to stick to that goal, and to truly commit to every tool we are talking about, sooner or later you will live the dream life that has been unattainable for you so far.
Every thought we think carries a certain amount of energy within it. Every word we say to ourselves or others carries a certain amount of energy within us. Within every emotion we feel, it also carries a certain amount of energy within itself.
The first step in this process is to become aware that you are part of the energy source (Universe, God, or whatever you call it) from which everything originated and originated. The main reason why we feel separated from our Source (Creator, God ...) is that we cultivate that belief that we are separated from it. So, our belief in separation from the Source is the only reason that creates resistance and that feeling of separation. When you finally consciously decide that you are connected to the Source that created you, you will have a completely different perception of things around you and about your life in general. Suddenly, you will see more opportunities, and more new opportunities, the valid challenges become weaker and less strong, and the quality of your life itself drastically improves and becomes richer.
Know that the substance of the Universe is constantly flowing through every fiber of your being. The way you think, speak, and feel are the tools you possess that can help you understand that the energy of the Universe is constantly flowing within you and through you. You need to be aware that this universal force flows through all your experiences and is expressed through your life. So we realized that we have the tools (thoughts, words, emotions) that we use to direct the creative force that flows through us and around us towards the realization of our dream life. Now you are wondering how to use those tools to achieve that perfect life?
Energy flows through your thoughts. Can you notice what energy your thoughts have at the moment? Do you know how to discover the energy of your thoughts? Simply by being aware of the content that those thoughts have. Ask yourself “Do these thoughts empower, encourage, motivate me, push me towards my goals, encourage and support me, inspire and make me happy, cheer me up, and make me happy? Do they help me see things from more positive angles or do they keep me from a negative perception of things? Do these thoughts support me or discourage me? ”
Energy also flows through your spoken words. Do you notice the quality of the energy that accompanies your spoken words? Are those words you say in line with what you would like to live? Do your words constantly bring you back to what you don't have and what you crave? Do you constantly complain or encourage yourself and others with your words? Pay attention to what words you use every day in your speech, are they encouraging and motivating, or are they negative and focused on what you don't want?
As you can see, energy flows through our feelings as well. Emotions are your energy in motion. Your emotions are a direct indicator of what current vibrational level you are on. Are you positively or negatively motivated? Ask yourself “Are my current feelings in line with what I want in my life, or are they in line with what I don’t want? Do I try to stimulate emotions that are in line with my higher goals, or do I let negative emotions guide me? Do my emotions inspire and encourage me to move towards my goals, or do they demoralize me? Do I consciously choose to feel good? ”
As we have determined so far that we are born of the Creative Forces of this Universe, This means that we are the Creators of our own lives. Every moment in your life, you have the choice to choose what kind of life you will live. You are the one who is responsible for your creative energy, and you direct it with your thoughts, words, and feelings in which direction you want it to go.
You need to become aware of the power you carry within you. You need to stop blaming someone else for your quality of life and take one hundred percent responsibility for your life. You need to become focused and focused. Don't let your thoughts, words, and feelings guide you. You direct them. You will accomplish this with Focus.
Focus is necessary to create your dream life. You need to invest energy in focusing only on those things that will positively affect the quality of your life. Meditation is a great exercise that will help you practice your focus and your conscious attention.
You consciously choose what you will think, speak and feel because you have that power. The power is in you, you just need to make it aware.
These are just introductory posts on these topics. Through future posts, we will go deeper into all these topics and give even better and more concrete advice on how to make your life perfect.
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