In today's blog, I would like to refer to one of the most important and most important characteristics of our character, and that is self-esteem. Do you respect yourself enough? Do you think about how much you value and respect yourself, and how you position yourself in different situations? Do you consider yourself insufficiently valuable about others? Remember the saying that goes, "If you don't respect and love yourself, why do you think the other person will respect and love you?" Think about this saying.
There is a big difference between covered self-esteem and the right one. Covered self-esteem is just a trap of the ego that wants to impose a sense of superiority over others. This unhealthy self-esteem is counterproductive and is often used to belittle others to elevate oneself. This is the Ego, and you must not fall into its trap. On the other hand, healthy self-esteem is first and foremost how you treat yourself. Healthy self-esteem also does not exclude other people, respect for them as well as a sense of empathy. A person who respects himself is aware of his value system, as well as the value system of other people, and respects their systems as much as his own. She is aware that we are all different, but that this is not a reason not to appreciate and respect others. Healthy self-esteem should in no way negatively affect other people's self-esteem but should inspire it and be an example of how a person should treat himself, with care, respect, and love.
Self-esteem is about setting boundaries, but it is by no means inviolability. Boundaries are necessary for every relationship to be correct and healthy, and first of all, we mean the relationship with ourselves, and then with others. On the other hand, untouchability represents covered inferiority and turns into arrogance and impudence.
Self-esteem is, in short, love for oneself, but also love for others. When you learn to love and respect yourself, you will know how to love and respect others and you will have a much better relationship.
These are two very concepts that are closely related and that depend on each other. A person who is full of self-esteem is certainly also full of self-confidence. Conversely, a self-confident person is a person who is filled with self-esteem.
A low level of self-confidence can be very destructive and leads to many life problems. People who are in a toxic relationship with no intention of changing anything, people who do work they don't like, people who indulge in others to attract attention in some way, people who don't have their selves and are dissatisfied with themselves in every sense, are people who lack self-confidence. It is very difficult for them to get out of their comfort zone because they do not have faith in themselves and their abilities, they avoid taking the first step and taking risks. They live and stomp in place and constantly blame others for their quality of life.
On the other hand, a person who has self-confidence knows how much he is worth and is aware of his power and greatness. They accept challenges, take action, respect others and defend the weaker, take risks, accept mistakes as lessons, are satisfied with themselves both physically and mentally, and constantly strive to work on themselves, and as the most important item, they take one hundred percent responsibility for his life.
The image we have of ourselves is mostly acquired in our earliest childhood. We are born as "white blank paper" and during our earliest childhood, we acquire that image of ourselves that later defines us in later years. We acquire this image by listening to other people's opinions about us, first of all from our parents or guardians, and we accept them as the truth. Then it is the turn of our peers, teachers, and teachers, etc. As very young we do not have the power of reasoning which leads us to identify with everything that others tell us about us. If someone criticized you non-stop as a child and was dissatisfied with you, what kind of image do you think you will have about yourself when you grow up? Some cases had a flawless childhood that caused them to have a positive image of themselves, but the first case is much more common than this one. The image of ourselves further develops as our own beliefs develop and they are created based on what we say to ourselves.
The image of ourselves is created based on our belief system (which is acquired from birth by adopting other people's beliefs as true). Beliefs about yourself are strongly rooted in the belief system and based on that, you conclude that what you think is the only true truth. A very large number of people are not satisfied with the image they have of themselves, but they also believe that it is as it is and that it is impossible to change. The good news is that YOU ARE POSSIBLE TO, IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE CURRENT PICTURE OF YOURSELF, REPLACE IT WITH A BETTER! It is possible to change the image of ourselves in the same way as beliefs that do not serve us. Beliefs are, as we have said in previous posts, just a thought repeated many times but it is still just a thought and the thought can be changed by simply adopting some other more productive thought as the truth, which will serve us. If the belief was "I'm not good enough", just replace it with the thought "I'm perfect just the way I am" and cultivate that thought as if it were a flower in the garden. Constantly water it by constantly repeating it to yourself, and expose it to the sun by acting by this new belief (This applies to any area or belief in life; it is very simple but requires consistency and consistency). By changing the words you address to yourself, you also change the image of yourself, and as we know, a good image of yourself is a prerequisite for self-esteem.
The road to self-esteem does not have to belong and difficult, on the contrary, it is very easy to reach because it is not built all at once, but every day you are more and more advanced and better in that field. Like everything else, self-esteem is practiced and requires discipline. You try to pay much more attention to their qualities and virtues, both in yourself and in others, and accept the shortcomings but do not deal with them. Love yourself as well as others, and know that we are all doing exactly the way we know and know best at the moment. Avoid perfectionism, but get free and take action. If you "fall", get up, learn a lesson from that fall, and continue even stronger. Don’t let other people’s opinions shake you, or undermine your self-esteem. You are responsible for your life and you know who you are, other people's opinions are just that, other people's opinions and don't pay too much attention to them. The most important thing is what you think about yourself, and that is what you are working on, and you will achieve that by cultivating a positive opinion and a positive image of yourself.
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