The first thing I want you to know is that our beliefs are acquired in our earliest childhood, from our birth to our 7-8. years. As very young, we adopt everything we see and hear as truth and it becomes our beliefs. We do not question anything, but we absorb everything like a sponge, which results in us becoming "simply as we are". You must have heard this sentence often "But you know how I'm just like that." Well, you are not "just like that" but you were taught that way in your earliest childhood.
The good thing is that these beliefs can change, which of course is not easy, but it is very possible. Beliefs are stored in our subconscious, and the subconscious is the autopilot that controls us for 95% of the day. This is where our consciousness comes into play. We need to be aware of all our limiting beliefs so that we can change them and replace them with better ones.
Our beliefs are our subjective truths about us and the world around us. So it is not an objective truth, but our personal, subjective truth. Beliefs are defined as a thought repeated many times that our subconscious has absorbed and now considers to be the truth.
The NLP methodology argues that the structure of our communication is a reflection of our beliefs and thought processes. There are words that we often use and express our beliefs and they are: I can, I can't, I can, I can't, I can, I can't, we could, we couldn't, I have to, I don't have to, etc. These words can help you more easily recognize what negative beliefs we have. We understand that these beliefs are the only truth and we hold on to them, but we need a different approach. We need to ask ourselves well where we got such strong beliefs from and whether they are true and the only truth.
- Education: Parents teach us everything they have learned from their parents and from what they have picked up during their lives. We accept this as the only truth because we consider our parents, especially at that earliest age, to be the greatest authorities and believe everything they say or do.
- Copying: We look at other people, and what they do, and we accept that as the truth. No matter what others tell us, in that earliest childhood, we absorb more what they do than what they tell us. So, if we want our children to adopt healthy beliefs, we must show them by our example what we want to teach them. You recognize this because it is a very common example in the family. (A smoking father convinces a child not to smoke because it is not healthy. What do you think, will you listen to what he says, or will he adopt what he saw his father do? In most cases, children of smokers usually become smokers. )
- Experiences: We gain beliefs through the experiences we experience in our lives. It usually happens when we experience a situation that has left a big emotional signature on us. (Let's fall in love and that someone leaves us, then we connect love with suffering, so we are afraid to enter into another relationship.)
- Repetitive experiences: As we have said, beliefs are gained by repeating the same thought many times. So it is with experiences. If an experience is repeated over and over again, we will adopt it as the truth and it will become our belief.
"Everything we believe in becomes our destiny. Until we become aware of the unconscious, it will guide us through life, and we will call it destiny. ” - Carl Gustav Jung -
Beliefs create the reality that we live. Our subconscious does not ask questions or analyze whether our beliefs are true or not. Our subconscious unquestioningly tries to confirm our beliefs no matter what they were. The subconscious does not divide them into good or bad, it views them as neutral. The goal is to raise awareness of all those counterproductive beliefs and replace them with those that serve us.
We consider as limiting beliefs all those that hinder us in achieving our goals (I can't, I don't, I don't know, I won't dare, I don't know ...). Supportive beliefs are those that push us forward, and that has a motivating effect on us (I can, I am capable, I am diligent, I can, I can, I know ...)
1. Faith - If someone believes that he can easily find a job he loves ...
2. Ability - will do everything necessary to find such a job ...
3. Action - will take action (they will look for someone, send a CV, learn some new skill that will help him get that job) ...
4. The result - and in the end comes to the result which proves that his belief is true from the beginning.
A placebo is a cure according to our belief. A study was done where people were divided into two groups who needed knee surgery. One group underwent actual surgery, while others underwent only a small incision to think the operation was performed. This study proved that people with fake surgery recovered just as well as those with real surgery. (If you are more interested in this part, I suggest you read Joe Dispenza's book "Placebo is You")
Contrary to placebo, the nocebo effect is a disease in line with our belief. So, if a person believes that he will get sick from something, if he truly believes in it, it is not excluded that he will witness it in reality. Many women believed that if their mothers had breast cancer, they would have the same fate. Most have experienced this because of a strong belief, although it has been medically proven that genetics do not play as important a role at all as was said until recently. ("Such is my genetics" is another negative belief without well-founded facts)
The influence of our beliefs and expectations is largely determined by our abilities. A study was done in which they divided students into two groups with approximately the same IQ. One group was told they were above average intelligent while the others were told nothing. The first group achieved a much greater effect, compared to the second group.
Autosuggestion is a very powerful tool for creating our personality and our lives in general. It is very important to be careful what we say, both out loud and within ourselves. The subconscious absorbs all information. Pay attention to what you feed her every day. What you read, watch, listen to, etc., your subconscious absorbs and records. You need to know that your subconscious does not know the word NO. There is no negation with her. For example, when you say "I'm not stupid" or "I'm not poor," she only hears the words STUPID and POOR. Change your words into positive speech. So say "I'm smart" or "I'm rich and successful." This is much better than the first variant. Hang out with people who inspire you and support your goals. Visualize your goals as already achieved and act following them. You strive to be the person you want to become (You play the person you want to become until that happens in your reality). Just one more thing to emphasize, remember that your subconscious does not know the difference between your reality and what you think in your head. So, try to always have perfect pictures in your head and speak to yourself in perfect positive language. Believe me, if you are consistent and try hard enough, you will experience a drastic change in your life for the better.
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