Depression is defined as a state of heightened sadness, threatened by slow thinking and movements, the presence of vague fear, loss of will, hypochondriac behavior, especially pronounced at the beginning of the day. Depression can be exogenous, as a reaction to difficult experiences, or endogenous, or melancholy.
Depression is one of the most common and complicated mental disorders that people fear the most. Although we are not all afraid of going "crazy" and losing control, or falling into a serious psychotic state that will cause us to lose touch with reality, we are all sometimes in a bad mood or depressed. Mood swings are a normal occurrence in humans, however, if depression lasts for a very long time in someone, then it can have certain consequences.
It is often the case that people who suffer from depression are not aware that they need medical help or do not want to admit it to themselves. Misunderstanding depression is perhaps one of the biggest problems in solving it. Even in addition to natural treatment, one should be under the supervision of a doctor and not refuse medications if they are necessary, especially in severe forms of depression.
Depression is classified as a mood disorder. A depressed person is characterized as a withdrawn and depressed person, who has a problem with insomnia, loss of appetite, pessimism, slowed thought, feelings of hopelessness, and helplessness. In milder forms of depression, herbal preparations based on medicinal herbs can help alleviate its symptoms. Some of the facts about depression are:
- Deep depression is most often a type of mood disorder
- Occurs among all people regardless of race, gender, financial status, etc.
- Most people have a distorted opinion of her
- Statistically speaking, every third patient who goes to an internist suffers from depression
- Proper treatment can greatly alleviate or completely solve the problem of depression
- Deep sadness
- Apathy
- Anxiety
- Sleep disturbance
- Changes in body weight or appetite
- Lack of concentration
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Morbid thoughts
- Fatigue
Due to the gloomy thoughts that occur in people who are depressed, the natural treatment of depression can begin with herbal drops based on lemon balm, herbs of happiness, or marigolds, plants of regeneration, which act on the glands stimulating the natural secretion of happiness hormones, serotonin.
Natural treatment for depression usually begins with a change in diet that serves to balance the ratio of hormones in the body. Serotonin is a hormone that is a significant transmitter in the brain, primarily in the frontal lobe, whose activity should be significantly strengthened in depressed people. The brain cannot produce serotonin if tryptophan is not present. St. John's wort and thyme are also a type of herbal drops that have a beneficial effect on the secretion of serotonin.
It is a rare case that the appetite increases in depressed people, mostly there is a drop in immunity. Foods ingested should contain large amounts of tryptophan. Due to lack of appetite, mint, and basil are recommended as excellent allies to increase appetite. Foods rich in tryptophan are beans, walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, tofu, and others (See the tables on the net which are still foods rich in tryptophan).
Then, a higher intake of foods rich in the following nutrients is needed:
- Omega 3 fatty acids, best through plant foods and less through fish (due to pollution)
- Folic acid
- Vitamin B12
- Minerals and vitamins through fresh fruits and vegetables
- Nuts
- Spring waters
Some studies have shown that a vegetarian diet leads to greater progress in the treatment of depression than the classic conventional diet rich in animal proteins. In this regard, a vegetarian diet, fasting, and avoiding fatty foods are crucial during treatment.
It is very important to have a balanced diet that includes the presence of all micro and macronutrients, not just those listed above. Try to avoid alcohol, nicotine, stimulant drinks, narcotics, sweets, industrial foods, and caffeine.
- Stay as much as possible in the sun and daylight
- Learn to manage your thoughts and emotions
- Practice regular sleep (use relaxation techniques)
- Do spiritual exercises every day (meditation, yoga, reiki…)
- Exercise regularly
- Do breathing exercises (Box breathing, Wim Hof method, Buyatenko method, etc.)
- Listen to relaxing music
- Laugh
- Absorb only positive and constructive information
- Hang out with positive people
- Love yourself and work on yourself
- Staying in nature
Staying outdoors and in nature, as well as regular physical activity, supply the brain with oxygen and stimulate the secretion of happiness hormones. In cooperation and consultation with your doctor, try to apply some of these tips that will, I hope, help you solve the problem of depression.
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